Underwood International College, Yonsei University:
UIC3637: Being and Truth (UIC Seminar).
UIC3574: Formal Methods (UIC Seminar).
UIC2101: Critical Reasoning.
UIC1901: World Philosophy (Knowledge, Virtual Reality and the Internet).
UIC1901: World Philosophy (Epistemology).
UIC1901: World Philosophy (A Philosophical Introduction to Decision Theory).
UCS1001: Freshman Seminar.
Department of Philosophy, Yonsei University:
Studies in Analytic Philosophy (Alethic Pluralism). (Fall 2012.)
University of Copenhagen:
Introduction to Social Epistemology. Co-taught. Graduate level.
Graduate level supervision (2 master's theses and 10 independent studies
covering topics in social epistemology, mainstream epistemology, formal
epistemology, philosophy of mathematics).
University of Aberdeen:
PH 5031: Epistemic Disagreement. Graduate level.
PHILOS 199: Directed Research (nine upper-division
independent studies in epistemology).
PHILOS 174: Topics in Theory of Knowledge.
PHILOS 99: Student Research Program (lower-division independent
study in epistemology).
PHILOS 22: Introduction to Ethical Theory.
PHILOS 21: Skepticism and Rationality.
University of St. Andrews:
LM1006: Introduction to Logic.
LM1007: Knowledge and Reality.
LM2001: Logic and Philosophy of Science.
PY4000: Basic Meta-Logic. Graduate level.
Introduction to Analytic Philosophy.
Department of Philosophy, Yonsei University:
University of Copenhagen:
University of Aberdeen:
University of St. Andrews: